Ainsley Carry awarded 2025 NASPA Pillar of the Profession

Congratulation to Dr. Ainsley Carry, who has been named a 2025 NASPA Pillar of the Profession. This prestigious award, presented by the NASPA Foundation, recognizes his long-standing dedication to student affairs and his impact on the higher education community. The Pillar of the Profession award is one of the highest honors in the field, recognizing leaders who have made significant contributions to student success and institutional excellence. 

“We are very proud that Dr. Carry has been named as a 2025 NASPA Pillar of the Profession. This award underscores his exceptional contributions to student affairs, both at UBC and in higher education more broadly,” said Benoit Antoine-Bacon, UBC’s President and Vice-Chancellor. His commitment to shaping a better student experience has made a lasting impact on our campus and the wider community, with more to come.”  

Each year, the NASPA Foundation celebrates individuals who have demonstrated sustained leadership, advocacy, and service in student affairs. These Pillars are chosen by their peers for their exemplary contributions to the profession, their institutions, and the lives of countless students. 

Ainsley was nominated for this award by his friend and colleague, Amy Hecht, Vice President for Student Affairs at Florida State University. “Ainsley Carry exemplifies the qualities of a NASPA Pillar of the Profession through his visionary leadership, commitment to student success, and unwavering dedication to equity and inclusion. His impact spans not only the institutions he has served but also the broader field of student affairs,” said Dr. Hecht. 

Since joining UBC, Ainsley has played a pivotal role in shaping the student experience. Most notably, he led the development of UBC’s Student Strategic Plan, launched in 2021, which has become a cornerstone for advancing student success, wellbeing, and leadership on campus. This comprehensive plan focuses on transformative learning, wellbeing, and community engagement, aligning UBC’s efforts with the needs and aspirations of its diverse student population, and ensuring all students can access all the university has to offer.  

“Ainsley’s leadership has had an indelible impact on the student experience at UBC. His vision, particularly through the Student Strategic Plan, has transformed how we support students across all aspects of their academic journey and personal development,” said Samantha Reid, Associate Vice President, Students, UBC Vancouver. 

Under Ainsley’s leadership, UBC has also improved access to critical services for students, including: 

  • Expansion of student health and wellbeing supports and services 
  • Expansion of career programming and supports 

Ainsley has also taken a key role in collaborating with partners across campus co-leading critical work to support students and the wider UBC community, notably as co-executive lead of the ARIE Taskforce and a co-lead on the Student Affordability Plan

“I am truly honored to be recognized as a 2025 NASPA Pillar of the Profession. This award reflects not only my personal commitment to student success but also the collaborative efforts of the entire UBC community,” said Dr. Carry.  

“Our shared dedication to enhancing the student experience, fostering inclusion, and supporting student wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do. I am deeply grateful to my colleagues for their support, and I look forward to continuing to work towards creating a vibrant and supportive environment for all students.” 

The 2025 Pillars of the Profession will be formally recognized at the NASPA Annual Conference in March 2025.