
Announcing the new Chief Student Health Officer

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Noorjean Hassam as the new Chief Student Health Officer (CSHO).

Share your feedback about the UBC Student Strategic Plan

We are currently leading the development of a UBC Student Strategic Plan, and invite all UBC students to learn about the plan and share feedback through virtual town halls or an online survey.

Join me in recognizing Orange Shirt Day

Learn more about the significance of this day from wherever you are.

No matter where we are, we are still UBC

This year may look different, but UBC is here to support you.

VPS staff recognized for the 2020 President’s Award for Excellence

Three members of Vice-President, Students team have been recognized for the President’s Award for Excellence and President’s Staff awards.

Self-care during COVID-19

We are all in this together and will get through this together.

RSVP and join me at my next Listening Session

Share your experiences, thoughts, and suggestions about navigating university costs.

Help us shape the future of UBC

Learn information about the National Survey of Student Experience.

Why your voice matters

The 2019 elections are coming up—learn why your voice matters.

Our shared value of mutual respect at UBC

Our role as scholars at UBC demands we conduct ourselves appropriately and with respect.