by Ainsley Carry
This information was sent to first- and fourth-year UBC students on Feb 6, 2020.
I hope this new term has started off well for you. As I’ve mentioned previously, my job as your Vice-President, Students, is to work with and for students to create a meaningful, enjoyable, and successful university experience. My goal is to invest my time and energy on what matters most to you and your classmates.
To that end, I’m inviting you to participate in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)—a survey that students at many Canadian Universities participate in every three years.
On Monday, February 10 the survey will open and you will receive an email from me,, with a link to the survey.
Your participation is important as it will provide crucial feedback to UBC about your experiences—which will help shape the programs, services, and initiatives that support you and other students to succeed at UBC and beyond. It will also allow us to compare UBC students’ experiences with the experiences of students attending other universities.
Further—along with the information I gather in my Listening Sessions—the data from the NSSE survey will also help to inform my strategic plan and priorities for shaping the student experience at UBC.
In appreciation for participating, all students who complete the survey will be entered into a draw for 1 of 17 Amazon gift cards:
- 2 x $400 gift cards,
- 5 x $200 gift cards, and
- 10 x $100 gift cards
The survey invitation from on Mon, Feb 10 will contain more information on NSSE. I strongly encourage you to participate in this important survey, and really appreciate you taking the time to do so.