Join Ainsley for lunch and a listening session

by Ainsley Carry

This post is an adaptation of an email sent to UBC Vancouver students on Oct 26, 2023.

Dear students,

One of my top priorities as Vice-President, Students has been to engage in open dialogue on issues that concern you. Listening sessions provide a forum for you to share feedback and ask me questions you might have, over lunch. 

In March 2023, we held our last series of listening sessions with UBC students and I heard your thoughts on affordability, your academic experience, and your student experience. We’re looking forward to hosting another series of listening sessions this November, to engage in further dialogue with students as we continue to advance these priorities, and those outlined in the UBC Student Strategic Plan.

RSVP to attend one of the listening sessions, and share your experiences with us. Lunch and refreshments will be provided at the event.

Session 1: November 6, 1:00–2:30 pm
Lunch provided in the Atrium (lower level) in the AMS Nest

Session 2: November 16, 12:30–2:00 pm
Lunch provided in the Atrium (lower level) in the AMS Nest

If you are unable to attend a listening session—or if you’re planning to attend one but would like to share more—we still want to hear from you. We will be sending out a survey following the November 16 listening session to capture more of your feedback.   

I look forward to seeing you at a listening session.